
Office cleaning is very important, many people are in and out of the office all day which can bring a lot of germs and bacteria, at Mary Moppins we understand no one likes to get sick and this is why cleaning properly is so very important. At Mary Moppins we do more than vacuum the rugs wipe down all open surfaces, clean the bathroom, kitchen and empty the trash we clean the areas were bacteria hides and it is those spots that can spread germs.  At Mary Moppins we wipe down phones, keyboards door knobs and handles (including the back side of handles) light switches the back of chairs (where most people pull them out) and knowing what to use to kill them which now days changes a lot, like the new super bug that hand sanitizer does not kill you need to wash with plain soap and water a lot.  So if you want a truly clean office contact us and we will be glad to give you a free estimate.